Well thought-through graphic design for small to medium business owners. Brand identity, print, websites & infographics.

XCD Exhibition

Exhibition stand design and sales guide for XCD HR Software 


The brief

XCD produce self-service cloud-based HR software for mid-sized businesses and the public sector. Shortly after the rebrand, and to coincide with the launch of the new website, they were to attend a trade show in London. For this they required a re-design of their existing exhibition stand.

The design

With the exhibition floor space only being 3 x 3 metres the key was to make the stand as informative as possible. I also needed to be careful not to over-populate with information. The client wished to use two existing plasma screens, which would mirror the display on two demo laptops sitting on small semi-circular plinths.

As demos would be available on the stand, as well as key XCD staff members to talk to, I decided that graphics should focus on a simple overview of the product. Key features and the product journey that a potential customer might take were displayed. Icons and illustrations from the recently launched website were used. This would help to maintain consistency and brand recognition across the two different media types.

Detail showing bespoke iconography and illustrations

Detail showing bespoke iconography and illustrations

As well as the stand itself, I also designed a 12 page A4 handout booklet. Entitled, ‘HR Software that works for you – a guide for HR Visionaries’, it ran through eight questions XCD HR typically ask clients. The guide also contained suggestions on where to find help in choosing the right HR solution for a business. Copy content was written by Valuable Content, Bristol. The key was for it to be a genuinely useful and practical guide rather than overtly sales-y. The guide was also set up to be readily available as a download pdf on the new XCD HR website.

For a smaller exhibition I also designed a simple single pull-up banner stand. Again, this summarised the key focus of XCD’s HR solutions, as well as detailing the benefits. The banner is focused, yet generic enough to be used many times in the future.

The result

The finished guide was printed digitally on uncoated paper stock and has been used frequently at events and workshops run by the client – as well as being a popular download on their website.

Both exhibition stands were printed by Bristol exhibition print specialists N3 Display Graphics. Reaction to the stands was positive from client and potential customers visiting the trade shows.