Well thought-through graphic design for small to medium business owners. Brand identity, print, websites & infographics.

Guide Costs

Example Guide Costs

I tend to quote for work on a project-by-project basis, as most client’s requirements are different. The examples below will give you an idea of possible costs, but I’d always look to quote based on your particular needs, rather than lump you into a generic package.

Brand identity design

Bronze – from £690

• Logo design to give you a minimum of three options to choose from
• Two rounds of amends
• Artwork supply of final logo files in a selection of formats for your use

Silver – from £900

As per Bronze plus:
• Business card & letterhead design
• Print-ready pdfs of stationery
• Letterhead in Word or Google Docs
• Short brand guidelines document

Gold – from £2,500

As per Silver plus bespoke options which could include* :
• Internal document design style
• Email newsletter design style
• Presentation template design style
• Social media banner image style

* With the bespoke options of the Gold level, I would look to discuss with you exactly what you and your business need. For example, you may not market your business through social media or email, but choose instead to use print or other channels. Let’s have a chat over a cuppa (real or virtual!) and decide exactly how I can help.

Website design and build

Squarespace Website

Designed and built using Squarespace’s beautiful templates (which are really flexible and customisable). I design and build the pages as I go along, rather than showing you designs first prior to build. For this, I would ask you to set up your own Squarespace account (monthly or annual subscription), then share the log-in details with me, so I can design for you.

(This website you’re viweing is built in Squarespace).

from £2,900.00

Wordpress Website

A more in-depth process, where web page visuals are designed, presented and signed off prior to being built. I work on the design and then work closely with my Wordpress expert build partner Dream Abstract to build the site for you on a staging platform, prior to making live.

This process also includes SEO set-up, sitemap, key page wire-framing, optimisation, spam filtering, testing & debugging.

from £5,800.00