Well thought-through graphic design for small to medium business owners. Brand identity, print, websites & infographics.

Ecosurety Impact Report

Impact Report design for Ecosurety


The brief

Based in north Bristol, Ecosurety is the market leading compliance scheme investing in quality recycling and committed to reducing the environmental impact of UK businesses. Having worked with them on a previous battery recycling campaign, they got in touch about designing their first ever Impact Report. 

The written content supplied by the client, included figures and statistics which needed to be communicated as interesting infographics.

The design

The Impact Report was split into five key sections – Education, Infrastructure, Collaboration, Innovation and Change For Good. Each of these employed colour coding and iconography to denote sections. Layout had to bear in mind Ecosurety brand guidelines, including colour palette and typography, but infographics had fairly free reign as long as they used brand colours and all sat together as one style.

Example spreads from the Impact Report

The result

The final Impact Report was hosted as a pdf download on the Ecosurety website, and also digitally printed on recycled stock (of course!) as a 24 page brochure.