Well thought-through graphic design for small to medium business owners. Brand identity, print, websites & infographics.

Twist 7Cs booklet

Twist Consultants 7 ‘C’s of Change Booklet


The brief

Having worked with Jo Twiselton of change management consultants ‘Twist’ on her website and email newsletter, she was looking to design a content-rich pdf giveaway for email list subscribers. As well as an email-able pdf, she thought it was a good idea to have a printed option, to give away at face-to-face meetings and consultations.

Jo decided to write content around seven key thoughts that can help businesses to navigate and smooth a change journey with their employees.

The design

Bearing in mind the necessary number of pages needed to make a printed booklet work, I designed this in a sixteen page A5 portrait format. This would allow each of the seven ‘C’s its own two-page spread, plus front and back cover.

Above: Front cover

Above: Front cover

Hand-drawn illustrations actually started off as ‘rough’ sketches, with the intention of drawing up ‘properly’ in Adobe Illustrator as vector graphics. However, Jo loved the hand-drawn feel of the illustrations so much, that we decided to keep them as they were (with a bit of extra tidying up and finessing!)

The front cover used a stylised hand-drawn number ‘7’ character, with three colours from the Twist colour palette running through the whole booklet.

Above: Example spread from the booklet | Below: Other illustrations from the spreads

Above: Example spread from the booklet | Below: Other illustrations from the spreads

The result

I won’t give too much away here (you’ll have to sign up for Jo’s newsletter for a full copy of the booklet!) but the final piece is now used as an email-able pdf, with a digitally printed A5 booklet planned for the near future.